Mool Mantra of Bala Tripura Sundari
Bala Tripura Sundari is that form of the Divine Mother depicting her as a alluring teenage girl of about sixteen years old, which is why she is also known as the Shodashi Tripura Sundari. Tripura Devi, who as already pointed out in an earlier post is the third of the Dasha Mahavidyas and as these Mahavidya Mantra Sadhanas are complicated and only for advanced Sadhakas. In this post, I have described a simple two word Mantra for the common man or woman who desires to meditate upon this most powerful form of the Adi Shakti for the followers of Shakti Worship.
The real meaning of the name of Tripura Sundari is the Goddess of the Three Gunas or the Tri-Shakti or the Three Lokas Dev, Patal and Prithvi Lok or Heaven, Earth and the Underworld. It also means the Three States of Being, which are Waking, Dreaming and Deep Sleep, which is what Adi Shankara meant when he called her Tripura Sundari or the Beauty of the Three Cities. I have also come across some Tantric Scriptures, which address Tripura Sundari as the “Maha Vidya” and not as Tripura Sundari.
This Beej Mantra of the Bala Tripura Sundari given here can be meditated upon to gain anything, including strength, beauty, and peace, freedom from fear and other pressing problems or even for Spiritual Advancement. There are some variations of this Root Mantra with the additions of some Beej Aksharas. The Root or Mool Beej Mantra of Bala Tripura Sundari Mool Mantra of Bala Tripura Sundari
The Sadhaka can visualize a most beautiful virginal young girl of about sixteen years old having infinite power and strength, while meditating upon this Shakti Mantra.
As pointed out before there are no restrictions for the chanting of this Shakti Mantra of Bala Tripura Sundari. There is also no form of worship or Tantra Sadhana involved for the chanting of this Mantra .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Maha Tripura Sundari Yantra Sadhana In this post, I have described the method of making the Sarva Siddhi Dayak Maha Tripura Sundari Yantra and the Special Mantra to meditate upon the Goddess. The Yantra, which comprises of the Mantra of the Devi and the numerals of the 15 Che Yantra is believed to be a most powerful form of the worship of Shakti Worship.
The Goddess Shodashi or Maha Tripura Sundari is the third of the 10 Dasa-Mahavidya, she is considered to be the highest aspect of the Divine Mother. The worship of Maha Tripura Sundari is said to be the worship of the Purest Form of the Supreme Consciousness, the one that transcends every other form of consciousness and goes beyond everything.
She is the Goddess worshiped by way of the Lalita Sahasranama by devote Hindus all over the world for varied purposes, including material and spiritual ones. She is also the Goddess represented by the Great Sri Chakra or the Sri Yantra also called as the Maha Meru.
The great Adi Shankara wrote extensively about the need to worship the Goddess to reach higher and higher levels of consciousness and the awakening and upwards movement of the Kundalini Shakti towards the Crown Chakra. The words of one of the greatest exponents of Advaita or the Non-Dual Philosophy of Existence should be taken very seriously by those contemplating upon the worship of this form of the Shakti or the Divine Mother.
She is normally visualized by devotees as being unbelievably beautiful or the one who has a lion as her mount. However, advanced spiritualists and Yogis might have their own personalized mental image of Goddess.
Maha Tripura Sundari Yantra Sadhana to achieve perfection in life Maha Tripura Sundari Yantra
After writing the Maha Tripura Sundari Yantra, the Sadhak should chant the Maha Tripura Sundari Mantra given below.
मंत्र ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं महा त्रिपुर सुंदरी स्वाहा || Mantra Om Aim Hreem Shreem Kleem Maha Tripura Sundari Swaha ||
The regular worship of the Maha Tripura Sundari, by following this particular method is said to be Sarva Karya Dayak or the one that fulfills any need or desire.
Note- This is an advanced form of worship of the Mother Goddess and if you are a layperson, then you should take the guidance of an experienced and learned person before attempting this Shakti Yantra-Mantra Sadhana. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; For Spiritual Upliftment Read Tripura Tantra The Womb of the Universe comprises of countless diverse objects and the Mind is also one of these objects. When the Mind is engaged in a specific thought, it takes the shape and form of that specific object. However, due to the continuous inflow of different thoughts, the Mind is unable to concentrate on a single thought and hence the thought becomes weaker and weaker as the more and more thoughts pile up inside the Mind and make it stray.
The Tripura Rahasya, believed to have originated from Dattatreya, the Non-Dual from of the culmination of Hinduisms Divine Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh or the Creative, Protective and Destructive Powers which engulf the Universe, Tripura Rahasya means that which transcends the Gunas, awareness, the sleep and the sub-conscious Mind.
The Tripura Tantra, which is composed in the form of a lecture given by Dattatreya to Parshuram, the sixth of the Dashavatars of Vishnu gives an insight into the journey beyond the sense organs. Dattatreya, the immortal and omnipresent Guru, reveals the secrets of the Dual and Non-Dual states of the Universe. The splitting of the Mind into the twin states of the Watcher and the Watched.
The Tripura Tantra influenced the thinking of Ramana Maharshi, the exponent of Advaita and also in my opinion, the greatest exponent of Non-Dualism, Adi Shankara. The true essence of the Tripura Sundari, the beautiful Goddess of the Three Worlds or the Three Gunas, who comes to reside in the being of those in the very highest state of Pure Non-Dualism, is hidden in the Tripura Rahasya.
We get a lot of true seekers, those striving to seek the world, which lies beyond the senses; The Tripura Tantra can be of great help in aiding the spiritual upliftment of these people. However, such people would be well advised to attempt to find their own meanings for the translated verses by letting the Mind dwell upon them. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Tantra for Hidden Enemy If you sense that someone is stalking you; under the cloak of anonymity; planning and implementing harmful and malefic conspiracies; with the sole purpose of causing harm to you; fear not!. There is a specific Tantra; not only to deal with; but revert the harmful vibrations and the harm the enemy intends to do to you, back towards him; in multiples. This Tantra is especially for the hidden enemy.
The Bhairavi Devi; also known as the Tripura Bhairavi Devi; the terrible aspect of the Mother Goddess or Creation; is the gross energy; corresponding to the Muladhara Chakra; the energy which resides there; in that Chakra. This is also the Chakra responsible for such gross thinking and actions.
The Sadhak who has mastered the Mantra of the Tripura Bhairavi, given here - Tripura Bhairavi Mantra; or through any other means or Mantras, been able to activate and control this Chakra; comes close to this Shakti and is able to divert it wherever he wishes; including dedicating it toward the hidden enemy. Once the Bhairavi Shakti closes upon the enemy; it triggers off whatever the Sadhak wants to do to the enemy. If the Sadhak wishes to destroy the enemy; the Shakti destroys him, if the Sadhak wishes that the enemy should suffer slowly; his wish is granted. Likewise the Shakti acts as per the wish of the Sadhak. If the Sadhak, so wishes, a hundred hands will raise, plot and scheme against the enemy and give back to him in multitudes what he intends for you.
However this knowledge is only for the highly advanced Sadhak of the Kundalini Tantra, to implement. It is extremely fearsome in nature and once triggered off; nothing can save the enemy. This can also be likened to the remote destruction of the enemy by triggering off a destructive energy force to surround him.
There are numerous such Aghori Tantras contained in the Puranas. Such remote Astras and Sastras were common among the advanced Sages and Yogis of ancient India. The Puranas are replete with examples on how these Astras - Sastras were used in war .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Powerful Shakti Mantra for the Muladhara Chakra Tripura Bhairavi represents the terrifying feminine aspect of Kal or time; the Mother Goddess also symbolizes Kal or time. This is the fearsome manifestation of the Universal Mother Goddess Durga Mata; which manifests on a physical level; rather than the stubble level.
On the spiritual level Indian scholars have linked this terrifying aspect to the dormant gross energy or the KUNDALINI Shakti present in the human body. This gross dormant energy is centered in a radius of about 2 inches in between the anus and the penis. The location of this dormant energy or the energy center is in yogic terms known as the Muladhara Chakra.
This energy manifests in humans mostly in the form of gross physical activity. It starts becoming more and more stubble and finer as it climbs upwards, penetrating the Chakras located above it and finally as it emerges through the crown Chakra it merges into the infinite Universal energy.
The worship of Tripura Bhairavi is prevalent in Aghori Tantrik practices. For the Aghori Tantrik nothing and I mean nothing is taboo on the physical level; including having intercourse with a corpse or the consumption of feces.
I am giving here in this post the Maha Mantra of Tripura Bhairavi; the gross aspect of the Universal energy. This Shakti Mantra can be recited in a graveyard [ representing a dark place] or even in bright clean garden [ representing a pure place]. What I mean to say is that the practitioner should firmly have in his mind what exactly he wishes to achieve and must harbor those thoughts in his mind. As with everything else physical action is both pure or impure or negative or positive.
Shakti Mantra for activating the Muladhara Chakra. Shakti Mantra for Muladhara Chakra
This Mantra is said to activate the Tripura Bhairavi present in the Muladhara Chakra; what one wants to achieve is best left to the individual. This Mantra can also be taken as powerful Shakti Mantra for the Muladhara Chakra.
Note – This Mantra is given as information to advanced practitioners of Yoga or those in an advanced state of Spiritualism. Others are cautioned not to use it.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SECRETS OF EXISTANCE WHAT IS THE SECRET OF EXISTENCE?
A question everyone has asked at one time or the other in his/her life and received a variety of answers and the net result in the end one has ended up more and more confused. Therefore, what is then the secret of our existence, I promise not to confuse you any more I will give you straight answers, not the usual way these questions are answered by the so-called god men/gurus/prophets and so on.
Your entire life is spent in thinking you keep on and on thinking, when one thought stops another one crops up in its place, then you analyze the thoughts and finally arrive at judgements, this process goes on and on from the day you are born till the day you die, this process does not stop throughout your entire life even when you go to sleep your thoughts keep on going and going till you wake.
Have you ever given a thought as to what your thoughts really are, if you haven't then do, think in a balanced way what your thoughts really are, think why you are thinking and then only will you get the answer as to what your thoughts really are and why you think. Sun Art
So now you must have got the answer, your thoughts are but what you experience throughout your life, which is a continuous process, just like your breathing you do not give it a thought and take it as something for granted.
Now I want you to think what is it that links your thoughts and your breath, have you ever given a thought to what is it that is between your breath and thoughts, think in a balanced and unbiased way, you do not give much heed to your thoughts or your breath, think about what connects the two.
Now I want to tell you that if you ever pondered in an unbiased manner about the above then only will you be able to uncover the secret about existence. THE SECRET OF EXISTENCE LIES IN THE SPACE BETWEEN YOUR THOUGHTS. THE SECRET OF EXISTENCE LIES IN THE SPACE BETWEEN TWO BREATHS. This space is the ground on which everything rests. This space is what encompasses everything in the universe; it is the ground/the field for everything. This space is existence/This space is god. This space is changeless/formless. THINK ABOUT THIS SPACE AND THE SECRET OF EXISTENCE WILL BE UNCOVERED BY YOU.';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Maha Tripura Sundari Mantra Maha Tripura Sundari is the Universal manifestation of the Mother Goddess Parvati. She is commonly interpreted as the beautiful Queen of the three cities; or the three Lokas- the Dev, Prithvi and Patal.
On a deeper spiritual level this should be interpreted as the ruler of the three Gunas- Satva, Rajas and the Tamas; the creative, preservative and the destructive forces. She is the combination of all the Gunas.
The Tripura Sundari has great significance in Tantrik worship in India. She is also represented on the Satvik level by the Sri Yantra; one of the most sacred and powerful of the Indian Yantras.
Maha Tripura Sundari Mantra Chant Maha Tripura Sundari Mantra
The Mantra which I have given is the Shakti Mantra to meditate on the Maha Tripura Sundari. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Maha Tripura Sundari Yantra Sadhana In this post, I have described the method of making the Sarva Siddhi Dayak Maha Tripura Sundari Yantra and the Special Mantra to meditate upon the Goddess. The Yantra, which comprises of the Mantra of the Devi and the numerals of the 15 Che Yantra is believed to be a most powerful form of the worship of Shakti Worship.
The Goddess Shodashi or Maha Tripura Sundari is the third of the 10 Dasa-Mahavidya, she is considered to be the highest aspect of the Divine Mother. The worship of Maha Tripura Sundari is said to be the worship of the Purest Form of the Supreme Consciousness, the one that transcends every other form of consciousness and goes beyond everything.
She is the Goddess worshiped by way of the Lalita Sahasranama by devote Hindus all over the world for varied purposes, including material and spiritual ones. She is also the Goddess represented by the Great Sri Chakra or the Sri Yantra also called as the Maha Meru.
The great Adi Shankara wrote extensively about the need to worship the Goddess to reach higher and higher levels of consciousness and the awakening and upwards movement of the Kundalini Shakti towards the Crown Chakra. The words of one of the greatest exponents of Advaita or the Non-Dual Philosophy of Existence should be taken very seriously by those contemplating upon the worship of this form of the Shakti or the Divine Mother.
She is normally visualized by devotees as being unbelievably beautiful or the one who has a lion as her mount. However, advanced spiritualists and Yogis might have their own personalized mental image of Goddess.
Maha Tripura Sundari Yantra Sadhana to achieve perfection in life Maha Tripura Sundari Yantra
After writing the Maha Tripura Sundari Yantra, the Sadhak should chant the Maha Tripura Sundari Mantra given below.
मंत्र ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं महा त्रिपुर सुंदरी स्वाहा || Mantra Om Aim Hreem Shreem Kleem Maha Tripura Sundari Swaha ||
The regular worship of the Maha Tripura Sundari, by following this particular method is said to be Sarva Karya Dayak or the one that fulfills any need or desire.
Note- This is an advanced form of worship of the Mother Goddess and if you are a layperson, then you should take the guidance of an experienced and learned person before attempting this Shakti Yantra-Mantra Sadhana.
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