THE ESSENCE OF SHAKTI PUJA;- 23 FACTS;- 1-It is important for all to know and rightly understand the real spirit and significance of Devi worship so that tangible spiritual and material benefit of a lasting character may be derived by everyone to a maximum extent. 2-Rightly understood, the method of this worship shows you the true way to lead the divine life. It teaches you to live in such a way as to make your life a real and practical worship and adoration of the Divine Mother. It reveals the secret of rising from darkness, untruth and mortality unto the grand realm of light, truth and everlasting life. 3-Devi worship or Durga Puja is the adoration of the Divine Mother of all things, who bear the seed of Universe in her imperishable womb, the Mahat-Brahma. Devi is the consciousness-power or the Chaitanya Shakti, the glory of the supreme Sovereign of the universe made manifest to the manifested Jivas in the world of creation. 4-As the creator, the preserver and the destroyer of the universe are but one God appearing in three forms, so the power which is inseparable from God appears in its threefold aspect. Even as a person here is known from his characters and powers, God is revealed in his Shakti which is the sum total of all knowledge, will and action, visible and felt as well as invisible and beyond comprehension. 5-The whole universe is the manifestation of the richness and the glory of its immortal creator who hails beyond the dust of the earth and the luminaries of heaven. He, the Divine Master, works everywhere with his twofold Shakti, Viz., Vidya and Avidya. 6-In the nine-day worship of the Divine Mother or Navratri Puja, is illustrated the process of the overcoming of the dark and blind powers of the lower nature by the splendid and intelligent powers of the higher nature. The Great War between Devas and Asuras marks the life of both the objective and subjective sides of the created universe. 7-Vidyashakti always gains an upper hand and everywhere there is a transcendence of the limitations and imperfections characteristic of Jivahood and Asurahood by the divine Jananashakti which pierces through every quarter and cranny in its works of vanquishing unconsciousness or ignorance together with its train of effects, desire and selfish action. 8-In the Devi Mahatmya or the Saptashati, Devi is described as the mass of the effulgent energy of the gods, headed by Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. This Shakti is released when the Devas begin to complain to these higher powers. 9-The sense-energies presided over by intelligence, which are symbolized by the Devas together with their ruler Indra, when they are oppressed by the demoniacal, forces of passion, anger, greed, malice, etc., of a destructive nature, begin to feel actually humiliation in the forms of the pains of life and resort to the highest Nature for help. 10- At once, the Divine principle within reveals itself in its tremendous and in its unifying absoluteness of truth an puts an end to the tempestuous life of animalism and all that is undivine or that which belongs to the realm of Avidya. 11-The three aspects of the Devi Puja are goodness, prosperity, and knowledge. Goodness reveals the Truth; prosperity ushers (assist), in happiness; and knowledge precedes the dawn of intuition and leads you to the goal of Sat-Chit- Ananda. To strive to bring about these three above-mentioned factors into the life of mankind constitutes the real invocation (a form of prayer ,मंगलाचरण)and adoration of the Divine Mother who is manifest in every form of humanity. 12-Ritualistic or ceremonial worship no doubt good, but it is the living worship that truly transforms and spiritualizes you more quickly and leads you on to the highest realisation. To consecrate the Divine Mother in the holy alter of your heart, to manifest Her divine power within and to live to serve and do good to all the best and the Divine Mother Durga. 13-To invoke the Goddess Lakshmi, you have to try ceaselessly to bring prosperity into the lives of all. Its significance is that one should be large-hearted and generous, charitable and kind. The aspirant will have to strive hard to remove the pain and sorrow and bring happiness to all as per his capacity. 14-Those who are monetarily gifted,they are suggested to open free dispensaries for the poor patients and feeding centers for the destitutes(poor or lacking other necessities of life), to educate the illiterate and to aid and encourage through every means the increase of the wealth of the country, for where prosperity and happiness prevail, there alone Goddess Lakshmi is more easily propitiated. 15-Now, to manifest the Goddess Sarasvati you have to educate yourself first. You have to become a flood of light, and thereby you should radiate the Divine Knowledge to everyone. Such sincere aspirants can go to the slums and backward, illiterate localities and give free lessons on secular and spiritual matters as well. You can thus offer the grandest and worthiest form of worship to Devi Sarasvati. 16-In this way , you reach a destination only along a path leading to it and intimately related only through the several degrees of empirical reality which act as steps in the ladder of spiritual experience.The universe of the several planes of consciousness with their different values and grades of truth is the Shakti of God. In the worship of Asambhuti and Sambhuti leads to the gradual attainment of ultimate perfection. 17-God cannot be conceived of as divorced from his Supreme power which appears as and governs this universe, even as you cannot have fire and heat distinguished. You know a substance through its quality. You realise God through his Shakti, who is Devi, Maha-Maya, Prakriti, the progenitress(an ancestor or parent) of all. 18-You can worship Devi either through 1-Vaidika Methods 2-Tantrika Methods She is worshipped even without rituals, through Para Puja or Pure meditation alone. Indeed, this is the highest kind of worship, where the Divine Mother is considered as his or her own by the spiritual child. The grace of the Devi is the experience of the participation of the higher Nature by the devotee on account of his conformity to the laws of manifestation in its orders of divine Shaktis or the forms of the one Divine Power. 19-No order of the reality can be stepped into unless one fulfils the demands of the one lower to it. The Devi Upasaka, thus knowing that Devi is Parabhrahma Shakti itself, not creating a barrier between God and his Shakti, even as one does not consider the sun and his luminosity as separate, reaches the state of Brahman through the grace of Devi. 20- It means that in the Sadhana Marga, which an aspirant follows, he has to proceed from the earthy consciousness to the higher states step by step through the transcendence of the manifested orders of phenomenal experience, without unwisely thinking that he can jump over the extremely elevated terrace without climbing the steps be low. 21-In this way, Devi Puja has a great spiritual meaning.Therefore, worship the Mother of the Universe, the Shakti or Brahman in its Supreme Form, or in her manifested form according to your capacity. There is no need to stress over the obvious fact that you should strictly practice Ahimsa, Satya and Brahmacharya, if you are to realise Devi, the glorious Divine Power of the Supreme Reality. 22-Don't forget the moral side and the ethical side of Sadhana, because you are likely to miss it and no valuable achievement is possible without it. Without it highflying idealisms will bring nothing; they will be a waste like oblations offered on ashes. 23-WHAT IS BALIDANA TO GODDESS?- 04 FACTS;- 1-Worship of God or Goddess, if it is to result in spiritual illumination, the observance of Yama and Niyama is absolutely necessary. These form the twofold equipment to overcome brute nature and hoist the banner of spiritual victory. Offer to Goddess Durga the animal nature,the Pashu,of yourinner evil traits of passion, anger and greed. Do not kill animals of the external world in the name of Balidana to the Goddess. She wants your animal-man within. No Himsa should be committed on the excuse that it is for the Devi. You have no right or justification to hurt any living creature for whatever reason. 2-Ahimsa should be free from all exemptions whether pertaining to class, place, time or circumstance. Ahimsa is universal vow to be practiced absolutely. No worship, no prayer, no act whatsoever in life can justify injury protection cannot justify murder. Even self-protection cannot justify murder. You have to stick to the rule of universal love to the best of your ability, to the utmost extent possible. 3-The offering of the self, the surrender of the ego to the Divinity is the supreme sacrifice. Nothing is superior to it. Nothing can be equal to it. This is the most exalted form of Divine worship. Worship the Almighty with Atma-bhava, with sarvatmabhava. This is the greatest and the most glorious thing that can ever be done bibe the knowledge or real worship of the Divine Being. 4-Know the story of Ma Chhinmastika ,she beheaded herself;only to fulfil the thirst(of blood) of her devotees(jaya & vijaya).But she didn't killed any jeev.This is the proof of her kindness. During Navratri, observe strict Anushthana and purify your inner nature. This is the most auspicious time in the year for Mother-worship. Read Saptashati or Devi Mahatmya and Lalita-Sahasranama. Do Japa of the Mantra of Devi. Perform worship with purity, sincerity and devotion. The Divine Mother will bless us with the knowledge, the peace and the joy that know no end ... MEANING OF SIDDHA KUNJIKA STOTRA;- 12 FACTS;- 1-Siddha Kunjika Stotra is the essence of the Chandi, the Navarna Mantra.This great Stotram (The secret song of perfection) is chanted before the reading of Devi Mahatmya. It is more tantric in nature and has been taught by Lord Shiva to Goddess Parvati. It is said that just by reciting this stotram the fruits of reciting the Devi Mahatyam are obtained. 2-Kunjika literally means anything that is overgrown and denote that change is the law of nature;It is the constant reminder that change She will, change She must, because change is Her intrinsic Nature. Siddha means perfection. Stotram is the song. Thus this stotra is known as “Song of perfection”. Through this song you can unfold the secret of perfection. 3-Siddha Kunjika Stotram is composed by Lord Shiva Himself and is found in the RudraYamala Tantra. Lord Shiva is a master of Tantra and He has given many techniques of meditation in Vigyan Bhairava Tantra also. 4-While describing the importance of Kunjika Stotram to Maa Parvati, He said, “O Parvati, hear the great prayer called Kunjika, by recitation of which the recitation of Chandi Patha (Devi Mahatyam) would become more powerful& auspicious”. 5-This stotram is so powerful that when you recite this stotra, you do not need to recite Kavacham, Argalam ,Kilakam and the Rahasya Thrayam, nor it is necessary to recite Suktam, Dhyanam, Nyasa neither is a need for worship. This does not mean one should not recite the Durga SaptaShati. If you have time please read the Durga SaptaShati during Navratri. There are very interesting and powerful stotras about Divine Mother. The Mother says whoever read Durga SaptaShati during Navratri she will be very pleased and their all desires will be fulfilled. 6-This mantra is useful for removing all of your problems and giving you health, wealth and prosperity. It is also good for good relationship between husband and wife and removes grah kalesh. 7-This great prayer is chanted before the reading of Chandi path / Sapthasathi (known as Devi Mahathmya)in the northern parts of India.Devotees believe that just a recitation of Sidha Kunjika stotram is equivalent to recitation of the complete Durga Saptashati and also that the reading of Chandi Path (Devi Mahatmya) would not give complete results without reading Sidha Kunjika stotram before it.It has been taught by Lord Shiva to Goddess Parvathi. 8-Recite especially when one does not have time or do not want to chant the entire long Durga SaptaShati/Chandi Path. The Siddha Kunjika Stotra itself says at the begining that no argala or kilak stotra and other related matters is needed if one recites Siddha Kunjika Stotra. Kunjika, there is Devi in the form of Chamunda . Not only it works for Navaratri , it is to be chanted at the junction when Ashtami leaves and enters Navami . 24 mins before Ashtami ends to 24 mins after navami starts, is the time when Devi takes the form of Chamunda and had got to be chanted no matter the count to exhaust 48 mins . 9-It is suggested to recite this mantra during any time of the day but it would give more good results if it is recited during brahma muhurta. Each muhurta lasts 48 minutes, and therefore the Brahma muhurta begins 1 hour and 36 minutes before sunrise, and ends 48 minutes before sunrise. 10-As sunrise in each city may differ, you can check sunrise in your city but in general the muhurta is between 4.24 a.m. to 5.12 a.m. In navratras, this mantra gives more benefits. For the benefit of all,this mantra is given here. If you cannot read this mantra or it is not possible for you to recite this mantra, you can listen this mantra also. 11-Normally we recite this mantraऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुण्डायै विच्चे॥ but the entire mantra is only in the Siddha kunjika stotra) The whole mantra is... ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुण्डायै विच्चे। ऊं ग्लौं हुं क्लीं जूं स: ज्वालय ज्वालय ज्वल ज्वल प्रज्वल प्रज्वल ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुण्डायै विच्चे ज्वल हं सं लं क्षं फट् स्वाहा।। 12-Siddha Kunjika Stotra should be done with utmost care. It can be included in daily worship. But if you are doing rituals or for any desire, then you have to be careful. IMPORTANT RULES FOR SIDDHA KUNJIKA STOTRA;- 1- Begin with Ganesh worship & Resolution; resolve with water, in hand. Say your wish to Goddess Mata( Devi mother). 2 -Decide how much text you can make together (1, 2, 3, 5. 7. 11). Keep rosary equal during rituals.. 3- Siddha Kunjika is the worship of Das Mahavidhya..ma SHAKTI.. 4-Time of paath (Siddhkunjka Stotra) 4-1 -The best time at 9 pm. 4-2 -Or in the night at 9 to 11.30 pm. 5-Sit and sit on red aasan. 6-Place the lamp of ghee on the right side and the lamp of mustard (sarso ) oil on the left side. That means burn both the lamp. NUMBER OF PATH RECITATION (according to the needs) - 10 FACTS;- 1 -For acquiring knowledge .... Five lessons (keep rice in the books after turning three times over your head)( अक्षत लेकर अपने ऊपर से तीन बार घुमाकर किताबों में रख दें) 2 - For fame (Yash-Kirti ).... Five lessons ( देवी को चढ़ाया हुआ लाल पुष्प लेकर सेफ आदि में रख लें) (take the offered red flower ( to goddess), & keep it in safe etc.) 3- For acquiring money ... .9 lessons( सफेद तिल से अग्यारी करें) ( offer agarri, from white sesame) 4 -To get rid of cases ... Seven lessons (Cut a lemon after the text, keep in mind that there are only two parts. Throw them out in different directions) 5 -For redemption of debt .... Less than 21 lessons of barley (offer agarri &,meditate on that person; you have to pay or take from ) 6 - For the happiness and peace of the house ... three lessons (offer sweet to Goddess) 7 - For health ... three lessons ( offer lemon to goddess and then use it) 8 -To get protection (with fear of the enemy) ..., 3, 7 or 11 lessons ( continuous recitation) 9- For employment ... 3,5, 7 and 11 (optional) ( offer a beetle to goddess and keep it with you)( एक सुपारी देवी को चढाकर अपने पास रख लें) 10- Sarvadha Shanti - Three lessons ( hawan/ agarri the three pairs of cloves or offer three pairs to the goddess ; take it again and use it in food or tea.) ( Text is completed in five or seven minutes only..) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SIDDHA KUNJIKA STOTRA;- सिद्धकुन्जिका स्तोत्रं शिव उवाच शृणु देवि प्रवक्ष्यामि कुंजिकास्तोत्रमुत्तमम् । येन मन्त्रप्रभावेण चण्डीजापःजापः शुभो भवेत् ॥१॥ न कवचं नार्गलास्तोत्रं कीलकं न रहस्यकम् । न सूक्तं नापि ध्यानं च न न्यासो न च वार्चनम् ॥२ ॥ कुंजिकापाठमात्रेण दुर्गापाठफलं लभेत् । अति गुह्यतरं देवि देवानामपि दुर्लभम् ॥३॥ गोपनीयं प्रयत्नेन स्वयोनिरिव पार्वति । मारणं मोहनं वश्यं स्तम्भनोच्चाटनादिकम् । पाठमात्रेण संसिद्ध्येत् कुंजिकास्तोत्रमुत्तमम्॥४॥ अथ मन्त्रः ॐ ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुण्डायै विच्चे। ॐ ग्लौं हुं क्लीं जूं सः ज्वालय ज्वालय ज्वल ज्वल प्रज्वल प्रज्वल ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुण्डायै विच्चे ज्वल हं सं लं क्षं फट् स्वाहा इति मन्त्रः॥ नमस्ते रुद्ररूपिण्यै नमस्ते मधुमर्दिनि। नमः कैटभहारिण्यै नमस्ते महिषार्दिनि ॥१॥ नमस्ते शुम्भहन्त्र्यै च निशुम्भासुरघातिन ॥२॥ जाग्रतं हि महादेवि जपं सिद्धं कुरुष्व मे । ऐंकारी सृष्टिरूपायै ह्रींकारी प्रतिपालिका ॥३॥ क्लींकारी कामरूपिण्यै बीजरूपे नमोऽस्तु ते । चामुण्डा चण्डघाती च यैकारी वरदायिनी ॥४॥ विच्चे चाभयदा नित्यं नमस्ते मंत्ररूपिण ॥५॥ धां धीं धूं धूर्जटेः पत्नी वां वीं वूं वागधीश्वरी । क्रां क्रीं क्रूं कालिका देविशां शीं शूं मे शुभं कुरु ॥६॥ हुं हुं हुंकाररूपिण्यै जं जं जं जम्भनादिनी । भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रूं भैरवी भद्रे भवान्यै ते नमो नमः ॥७॥ अं कं चं टं तं पं यं शं वीं दुं ऐं वीं हं क्षं धिजाग्रं धिजाग्रं त्रोटय त्रोटय दीप्तं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा ॥ पां पीं पूं पार्वती पूर्णा खां खीं खूं खेचरी तथा ॥८॥ सां सीं सूं सप्तशती देव्या मंत्रसिद्धिंकुरुष्व मे ॥ इदंतु कुंजिकास्तोत्रं मंत्रजागर्तिहेतवे । अभक्ते नैव दातव्यं गोपितं रक्ष पार्वति ॥ यस्तु कुंजिकया देविहीनां सप्तशतीं पठेत् । न तस्य जायते सिद्धिररण्ये रोदनं यथा ॥ इतिश्रीरुद्रयामले गौरीतंत्रे शिवपार्वती संवादे कुंजिकास्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् ॥ MEANING OF SLOKA-01 Shiva said: Listen oh Devi, let me tell you about the great prayer called Kunjika Stotra, by the effects of this mantra the recitation of Devi Mahatmya (Chandi) would become more auspicious and powerful. MEANING OF SLOKA-02 There is no need to recite the preliminary stotras Kavacham, Argalam , Kilakam and the Rahasya. Nor is it necessary to recite Suktam, Dhyanam, Nyasam and also no need to worship. MEANING OF SLOKA-03 Just by reading Kunjika Stotram is enough to get the benefit of reading Durgasapta Shati. This is a great secret and even the Devas don’t know this mantra. MEANING OF SLOKA-04 Oh Parvati, this is very secret and thus should be kept because just by reading this great Kunjika Stotram bad practices like Marana (murder), Mohana (attraction), Vashya (slavery), Stambhana (paralysis by repeated chants) and Ucchatana (to send away) and others can be fully fructified. MEANING OF SLOKA-04 A-This is a Tantric mantra composed by Bija mantras of the Devi (sounds and words which are meant to please the Goddess). Jvalaya means Burn, Prajvala means Set fire. B-Salutations to the embodiment of rage. Salutations to the killer of Madhu. Salutations to the winner over Kaidabha. Salutations to the killer of Mahisha. C-Oh Great Goddess, please let me become expert of this chant. Salutations to the Goddess who has the form of root mantras, who by the mantra Aim has the form of the creator, who by the mantra Hreem has the form of the protector. D-Salutations to Her who by the mantra Kleem has the form of passion. Salutations to the Goddess who has the form made of mantras, To the Chamunda who is the killer of Chanda and who by chanting Yai grants boons. MEANING OF SLOKA-05 Salutations to Her who by chanting Vicche, grants protection daily. MEANING OF SLOKA-06 Dhaam, Dheem, Dhoom, the wife of Lord Shiva, Vaam, Veem , Voom , the goddess of speech, Kraam, Kreem, Kroom, the Goddess Kali, Saam, Seem, Soom, please do good. MEANING OF SLOKA-07 Hoom, Hoom, She who has the form of the sound hoom, Jam, Jam, Jam, She who is like the thunderbolt of Indra, Bhraam, Bhreem, Bhroom, Goddess Bhairavi, Oh Goddess of the good, Oh Bhavani, salutations and salutations to You. MEANING OF SLOKA-08 A-Aam, Kam, Tham, Tam , Pam , Yam, Sham, Veem, Dhoom , Aim , Veem, Ham, Ksham, the end of devotion, tear apart the end of devotion, throw and throw light, svaha. Paam, peem, poom, the daughter of the mountain who is complete, Khaam, Kheem, Khoom, She who is flying in the sky. B-Saam, Seem, Soom, Get me mastery over the chant of the Goddess of Devi Mahatmya. This is the hymn of Kunjika which is the reason for awakening, Oh Parvati, keep it protected and kept it secret from those who are not devotees. Those who read Saptashati without this Kunjika, Would not reach the forest of perfection as it would be like a wail there. THE MYSTERY OF SIDDHA KUNJIKA STOTRA;- 04 FACTS;- 1-No one of the limbs of the Chaṇḍī Pāṭhaḥ is capable of conveying the entire secret of the Glory of the Goddess. But the Siddha Kuñjika Stotram is capable of granting the fruits of the Chaṇḍī once we understand it. The Siddha Kuñjika Stotram is the Song That Gives the Key to Perfection. 2-It is extremely secretive – we have to go deeply inside and understand the meaning of these mantras. The more we recite,the more we listen, and the more we attune ourselves to the vibration of what is being said, then the more we will inculcate that attitude. Our intention amplifies the attitude. The key is to focus on the mantras. 3-Kunjika literally means “something overgrown or hidden by growth or growing things.” Siddha means perfection. Stotram is the song. The Song of Perfection which is no longer hidden because of growth. That is, our spiritual growth and understanding of the Chandi exposes the hidden meanings of the bija mantras in the Song. 4-In reference to the Siddha Kunjika Stotram,know the junction of the eyes,ears, nose, and throat ;Draw a line through the Sahasrara. At the junction where the eyes, ears, nose and mouth unite on that axis, that is the location of intensity in this meditation.Stambhana (the siddhi in Siddha Kunjika Stotram)fixes the perception inside by holding the thought still as well as the sense.It paves the way towards Pratyahara .Pratyahara means to bring the senses inside. That is, closing off external perception. THE KEY POINTS;- 05 FACTS;- 1-Highly Effective Prayer, Very authentic & with magnified text, Sidh Kunjika Stotra to Activate the mantra & to get the divine grace of Goddess Durga. 2-This powerful Sidh Kunjika Stotram has the ability to remove all troubles from the life and to provide success everywhere. Sidh Kunjika Stotram is mool stotra of Durga Saptashati which cover whole Durga Saptashati in one Stotra. 3-When doing slow japa with breathing from the siddha kunjika stotram, the best mudra is either folded hands, or jnan mudra. the best visualization or form of the goddess to accompany this mantra is the entire Cosmic Altar.The mantra is referred to as the Navarna Mantra. 4-The Kunjika Stotram represents 50 skulls/50 bijas/50 varnmala of this creation. Maha Bhadrakali may wear a garland of skulls around her neck, or a skirt made of human arms. There are often 50 skulls—one for each letter of the Sanskrit alphabet & all 50 alphabet present in Sidh Kunjika Stotram . 5-Hence,50 varnmala/ the garland of skulls represents dominion over and the power of words and thought, indeed all knowledge. The 50 alphabet/skulls, woven together, also represent the interconnectedness of all creation. Creation, nature manifest, can be beautiful; however, it may also be benign , (kind)at best, and at times utterly merciless.The 50 alphabet/skirt of arms represents her power over action and work—our ability to “do”things—our Karma.So ,Sidh Kunjika Stotram is the key to Mahavidya tantra... Thus ends the Kunjika Stotram which occurs in the discussion between Shiva and Parvati, Which occurs in Gauri Tantra and which occurs in Sri Rudra Yamala. ......SHIVOHAM...