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THE MEANING OF ANAHATA NADA;- 11 FACTS;- 1-Sounds have been divided into two groups (1) 'Anahata Nada' and (2) 'Ahata Nada' 1-1-Anahata Nada : A sound without any earthly cause and which they consider to have existed from all eternity, after the following manner. When a man closes the orifices of his ears with his fingers, he perceives an inwards noise, to which they give this name. 1-2-Ahata Nada : A sound which proceeds from a cause which like speech, they consider to be an accident of air, occasioned by percussion.To reproduce the ahata sound, clap your hands together forcefully and listen to the sound or blow air into a flute and listen to the sound. If you do this in a rhythmic way, you will enjoy it. When we shape our lips and tongue in different ways, we can emit different sounds. 2-Anahata nada is the name given in yogic philosophy to the cosmic sound or the so-called “white noise” that is present everywhere, without being actively made in a way that can be perceived. From Sanskrit, anahata means "un-struck" or "unbeaten," and nada means "to flow." 3-These sounds form words, which form languages. This variation of sounds is the basis of different languages that has created different ways to communicate the same thoughts and ideas. We are so attuned to these languages that we are now removed from the basic universal sounds. We have limited ourselves to the sounds that we are familiar with. 4-External sound is perceived by our sensory organs or ears that convert mechanical energy to electrochemical energy. This electromechanical energy is then transformed in the brain to sensations of sound. 5-This sound is also known as the “unmade sound.” This concept is sometimes linked to the famous Zen question, “What is the sound of one hand clapping?” The idea is that anahata nada is this sound, because it is omnipresent and is all-pervasive, even when nothing is happening to create any other sound. 6-Some say that anahata nada, or the sound of silence, is perfection. According to yogic teachings, this sound is necessary for all other sound to exist because it is the canvas upon which other sounds are manifest. 7-In yoga, it is taught that the sound of anahata nada can be represented as Aum or Om, the sacred syllable and revered bija mantra. This is the sound from which the whole universe emanated and represents the fundamental oneness of all creation. 8-In Kundalini yoga, it is said that the goddess of kundalini shakti embodies anahata nada. She is portrayed as a serene goddess, centered on her selfless spiritual devotion. Her energy, and that of anahata nada, is upward moving. Anahata Sounds 9-Anahata sounds (or the melody) are the mystic sounds heard by the Yogi at the beginning of his cycle of meditation. This subject is termed Nada-Anusandhana or an enquiry into the mystic sounds. This is a sign of purification of the Nadis or astral currents, due to Pranayama. 10-Silence is a basic state in nature. It is by staying in this state that we are able to listen to the nada sound. However, this basic sound is drowned in artificial and disturbing sounds such as those made by electronic and mechanical devices. When we are distanced from this basic nada, we lose our ability to concentrate and also our immunity and become weak. 11-The youth are becoming sad, fearful, violent and despondent. Children are restless and rude and unable to concentrate on their studies. Nada, yoga, and dhyana are three elements that can restore harmony and balance in society.


07FACTS;- 1-Nada is the primal sound or first vibration from which all creation has emanated. During deep concentration yogis hear anahata nada, the sweet, ever-musical manifestation of nada within their own bodies. It has been said: “Hearing this sound, as a deer is entrapped into a net, similarly the mind gets attached to the anahata sound, forgets everything else, and leaves all roaming about here and there.” 2-The Hamsa Upanishad speaks of the same experience. It states that when the hamsa mantra (hamsa means ‘I am He’) is repeated ten million times with faith and feeling, varieties of nada are heard. 3-Practice of ajapa japa (japa of the mantra Soham with the breath) and pranayama also help to hear the nada. Absorbed in this music of the soul, the mind does not run after sensual objects; it makes one deaf to all external sounds. 4-To practise nada upasana, first retire into perfect seclusion and silence. Try to hear the sounds alone on a sea beach, on the high peak of a mountain, in the dead silence of dark starry nights, in a dense forest or a lonely cave, and then try to hear it within yourself when you command good concentration. Retain this experience and try to hear the sound in the busy hours of your daily life as well. 5-The imperative quality to hear anahata nada is purity of heart. The heart is naturally pure; it is made up of the sattwic portion of the five elements, but like the pure waters of a lake, its purity and transparency are ruffled and muddled with our crude and earthly attractions and repulsions (hatred) . 6-Thus the free passage through which the vibrations of His voice are streaming forth is blocked, and like the clogged and roughly handled reeds of a harmonium, it begins to emit discordant notes of envy and anger, hatred and censure. Then it is said that we do not allow the inner Krishna to blow the flute of our hearts. 7-Therefore, keep your heart ever unalloyed and pure and the Lord within will be highly pleased to manifest His voice through you. Then your talk will mesmerize and magnetize people. Your word will not go unheard. Nobody will have the strength to contradict your opinion. Your speech will be like Sri Krishna’s flute. Your word will soothe thousands of wounded and bleeding hearts, and radiate joy and peace. ACCORDING TO HATH YOG PRADIPIKA;- [67] Sitting with Mukta Âsana and with the Sâmbhavî Madill, the Yogî should hear the sound inside his right ear, with collected mind. [68] The ears, the eyes, the nose, and the mouth should be closed and then the clear sound is heard in the passage of the Suṣumnâ which has been cleansed of all its impurities. [69] In all the Yogas, there are four states: (1) ârambha or the preliminary, (2) Ghata, or the state of a jar, (3) Parichaya (known), (4) niṣpatti (consumate.) [70] When the Brahma granthi (in the heart) is pierced through by Prâṇâyâma, then a sort of happiness is experienced in the vacuum of the heart, and the anâhat sounds, like various tinkling sounds of ornaments, are heard in the body. [71] In the ârambha, a Yogî's body becomes divine, glowing, healthy, and emits a divine swell. The whole of his heart becomes void. [72] In the second stage, the airs are united into one and begin moving in the middle channel. The Yogî's posture becomes firm, and he becomes wise like a god. [73] By this means the Viṣṇu knot (in the throat) is pierced which is indicated by highest pleasure experienced, And then the Bherî sound (like the beating of a kettle drain) is evolved in the vacuum in the throat. [74] In the third stage, the sound of a drum is known to arise in tie Sûnya between the eyebrows, and then the Vâyu goes to the Mahâśûnya, which is the home of all the siddhîs. [75] Conquering, then, the pleasures of the mind, ecstacy is spontaneously produced which is devoid of evils, pains, old age, disease, hunger and sleep. [76] When the Rudra granthi is pierced and the air enters the seat of the Lord (the space between the eyebrows), then the perfect sound like that of a flute is produced. [77] The union of the mind and the sound is called the Râja-Yoga. The (real) Yogî becomes the creator and destroyer of the universe, like God. [78] Perpetual Happiness is achieved by this; I do not care if the mukti be not attained. This happiness, resulting from absorption [in Brahma], is obtained by means of Raja-Yoga. [79] Those who are ignorant of the Râja-Yoga and practise only the Haṭha-Yoga, will, in my opinion, waste their energy fruitlessly. [80] Contemplation on the space between the eyebrows is, in my opinion, best for accomplishing soon the Unmanî state. For people of small intellect, it is a very easy method for obtaining perfection in the Raja-Yoga. The Laya produced by nâda, at once gives experience (of spiritual powers). [81] The happiness which increases in the hearts of Yogiśwaras, who have gained success in Samâdhi by means of attention to the nâda, is beyond description, and is known to Śri Gurû Nâtha alone. [82] The sound which a muni hears by closing his ears with his fingers, should be heard attentively, till the mind becomes steady in it. [83] By practising with this nâda, all other external sounds are stopped. The Yogî becomes happy by overcoming all distractions within 15 days. [84] In the beginning, the sounds heard are of great variety and very loud; but, as the practice increases, they become more and more subtle. [85] In the first stage, the sounds are surging, thundering like the beating of kettle drums and jingling ones. In the intermediate stage, they are like those produced by conch, Mridanga, bells, &c. [86] In the last stage, the sounds resemble those from tinklets, flute, Vîṇâ, bee, &c. These various kinds of sounds are heard as being produced in the body. [87] Though hearing loud sounds like those of thunder, kettle drums, etc., one should practise with the subtle sounds also. [88] Leaving the loudest, taking up the subtle one, and leaving the subtle one, taking up the loudest, thus practising, the distracted mind does not wander elsewhere. [89] Wherever the mind attaches itself first, it becomes steady there; and then it becomes absorbed in it. [90] Just as a bee, drinking sweet juice, does not care for the smell of the flower; so the mind, absorbed in the nâda, does not desire the objects of enjoyment. [91] The mind, like an elephant habituated to wander in the garden of enjoyments, is capable of being controlled by the sharp goad of anâhata nâda. [92] The mind, captivated in the snare of nâda, gives up all its activity; and, like a bird with clipped wings, becomes calm at once. [93] The mind, captivated in the snare of nâda, gives up all its activity; and, like a bird with clipped wings, becomes calm at once. [94] Nada is the snare for catching the mind; and, when it is caught like a deer, it can be killed also like it. [95] Nâda is the bolt of the stable door for the horse (the minds of the Yogîs). A Yogî should determine to practise constantly in the hearing of the nâda sounds. [96] Mind gets the properties of calcined mercury. When deprived of its unsteadiness it is calcined, combined with the sulphur of nâda, and then it roams like it in tine supportless âkâśa or Brahma. [97] The mind is like a serpent, forgetting all its unsteadiness by hearing the nâda, it does not run away anywhere. S[102] Whatever is heard in the form of nâda, is the śhakti (power). That which is formless, the final state of the Tatwas, is tile Parameśwara. [103] All the methods of Haṭha are meant for gaining success in the Raja-Yoga; for, the man, who is well-established in the Raja-Yoga, overcomes death. TEN KINDS OF SOUNDS 07 FACTS;- 1-Nada that is heard is of 10 kinds. The first is Chini (like the sound of the word Chini); the second is Chini-Chini; the third is the sound of bell; the fourth is that of conch; the fifth is that of Tantri (lute); the sixth is that of Tala (cymbals); the seventh is that of flute; the eighth is that of Bheri (drum); the ninth is that of Mridanga (double drum) and the tenth is that of clouds, viz., thunder. 2-Before you set the foot upon the ladder's upper rung, the ladder of the mystic sounds, you have to hear the voice of your inner God (Highest Self) in 7 manners. 3- The first is like the nightingale's sweet voice chanting a song of parting to its mate. The second comes as the sound of a silver cymbal of the Dhyanis, awakening the twinkling stars.

4-The next is as the melodious plaint of the ocean-sprite imprisoned in its shell. And that is followed by the chant of Veena. 5-The fifth sound of bamboo-flute shrills in thine ear. It changes next into a trumpet-blast. 6-The last vibrates like the dull rumbling of a thunder-cloud. The seventh swallows all the other sounds. They die, and then are heard no more. 7-Change your concentration from gross sound to the subtle. The mind will soon be absorbed in the sound. You will get knowledge of hidden things when you hear the seventh sound. You will hear para-vak, divine voice, when you hear the eighth sound. You will develop the divine eye when you hear the ninth. You will attain Para Brahman when you hear the tenth. HOW TO HEAR ANAHAD NADA?- 05 FACTS;- 1-Nada Yoga, a philosophical and practical form of yoga, is an ancient Indic system of meditation. Nada philosophy states that the entire universe, including living or nonliving things, such as our terrain, flora, fauna and human beings, consist of sound vibrations called nada. 2-Many yogis believe that nada is more than just the sensory enjoyment and acknowledgment of the sources of sensual feeling; it is also presumed to play the role of the hidden energy that connects the outer and the inner cosmos. With meditation practice, we can train ourselves to hear internal sound. 3-Our sensory organs have no role in this type of hearing. Nada meditation attunes the mind to create space for divine sounds, which forms the basis of creation. The practice of simple Nada meditation makes tremendous growth of the mind possible. However, the anahata nada is the sound of Aum. 4-Therefore, this subtle sound, the primordial cosmic vibration, creates and sustains life. You are able to hear this sound and experience Divine energy when you are in silence and away from restless disturbances. When you blend with Divine energy, evil and anarchy dissipates. 5-The sounds can also be heard after the uttering of the Ajapa Mantra, "Hamsah Soham," a lakh of times. EXERCISE ONE 04 FACTS;- 1-To practise nada upasana, sit in padmasana, siddhasana or sukhasana. Close your eyes. Close the ears with the thumb. This is shanmukhi or vaishnavi mudra. Withdraw the senses and concentrate. Abandon all worldly thoughts. Subdue your passions. Become indifferent to all sensual objects. 2-Concentrate on the sound which annihilates the mind. Hear the sound through the right ear. After long and constant practice, it will become audible to you. You will hear the ten anahata sounds clearly. 3-The sounds are heard through the right ear with or without closing the ears. The sounds are distinct(clear) when heard through closed ears. The ears can be closed by introducing the two thumbs into the ears through the process of Yoni Mudra, close the ears with right and left thumbs, and hear the sounds very attentively. Occasionally, you can hear the sounds through the left ear also. Practise to hear from the right ear only. 4-Why do you hear through the right ear only or hear distinctly through the right ear? Because of the solar Nadi (Pingala) which is on the right side of the nose. The Anahata sound is also called Omkara Dhvani. It is due to the vibration of Prana in the heart.Nada yoga impacts the energy centres, chakras, which in turn aid physical, mental, and psychic growth. NOTE;- Nada yoga uses music therapy and sound therapy for boosting immunity, for treating stress and chronic diseases, dealing with psychological conditions, and changing mental conditions of pain to pleasure. EXERCISE TWO Nada meditation has seven levels for practice. While it takes three to six months to learn all seven levels, getting the basics right takes only two days’ practice. 06 FACTS;- 1-The best way to practise Nada meditation is lying on a flat surface without a pillow, feet straight and apart, arms on the side, and palms facing upwards. Advanced practitioners may also do this sitting down. It is very important to be in a dark, quiet place so that the body can relax. 2-The best time to practise Nada meditation is between midnight and before 5 am, which is when the world is at its most peaceful. 3-Close your eyes and mouth, cap your ears, and turn all your attention to the inner workings of your body — your inner cosmos. Concentrate on the right side of the head, near your inner ear. You may hear the chirping of crickets or a light ringing sound. As you listen closer, you may hear newer, more distinct sounds reverberating through your body such as the sound of the sea, the clouds, a waterfall, the mridangam, a bell, a nagara, a flute, the veena, or the humming of a bee. 4-You will find that these sounds will grow louder, and you should focus your attention on just one sound, as if you were deliberately trying to drown out all other sounds but one. Concentrate until you feel your whole being echoing through your body. 5-Sometimes, the sound may transform into something else that is more distinct. Allow your mind to follow the new sound and stay focused on it. If your attention begins to wander, the sound will fade. 6-Regular practise of this meditation will immerse you in the music of the universe to an extent that you may feel at one with its many vibrations and your higher senses may be awakened. As you become unified with the sound, you may experience many other levels of awareness and change your entire perspective on life.


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