CHEIRO NUMEROLOGY-PART-05 Name Numerology : An Introduction In this section we will learn how a change in your name can bring you good fortune. Politicians, movie stars, celebrities and millions of people the world over have changed their names as per name numerology. In Name Numerology, every alphabet of English language has been assigned a mystical number. We’ll learn the influence of these numbers on someone’s name (& life) and how to make that name luckier for him. . This section also has an interesting blog – ‘Who has changed his name‘ which is a chronicle of famous people who have changed their names on the basis of numerology.
Well though there are no scientific basis for Name Numerology, it is the experience of many that a change in their name brought good fortune to them.
Further, it is also the experience of many that a change in their name brought misfortune to them and accordingly they returned to their original name.
The whole art of Name Numerology is based on this assumption that every alphabet of English Language has a mysterious number assigned to it and that number affects that alphabet in some mysterious way.
Who started this assigning of numbers to alphabets and why only ‘English’ was chosen as the sole language for Name Numerology and just how the effect of these alphabets (when used in spellings) was calculated/arrived at; are some questions the answers of which has lost in antiquity.
This knowledge of Name Numerology was first of all published by Cheiro in his book ; The Cheiro’s Book of Numbers (a major portion of which has been published on this website). It is, however, widely believed that Name Numerology was first of all invented by Chaldeans who passed it to Hebrews.
The Name Numerology can be of greatest practical utility to every man or woman who wishes to take its aid in the hard struggle for existence. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Name Numerology : Simplified in three easy steps We will now learn the secret art of Name Numerology in three easy steps.
Name Numerology helps you know whether your name is fortunate for you or not.
If yes, it suggests how you can make it more fortunate for you.
If not, it tells how to make it fortunate by making a change in your name’s spelling (by adding/ deleting one or more words from it) or alternatively how to adopt a new lucky name for you.
This entire procedure has three steps:
(1) Calculate the compound Number of your Name.
(2) Read the influence of this compound Number.
(3) If the influence is positive, keep using it. If it is negative change your name’s spelling by adding or deleting some alphabets and make your name lucky for you. For more positive results, make both your name number and birth number harmonious with each other.
Simple ! Isn’t it ?
It’s really that simple. Apart from telling you about your name, it can also help you determine : whether your city is lucky for you or not, whether a particular day in future will be lucky for you or not.
OK Now we’ll learn the above three steps in detail.
Let us learn the first step:
Calculate the compound Number of your Name. Step 1 : Calculate the compound Number of your Name. Before learning the calculation of compound number, let us have a quick look over the difference between single numbers (1-9) and compound Numbers (10-onwards)
The single numbers denote what the man or woman appears to be in the eyes of their fellow mortals, while the double or compound numbers show the hidden influences that play their role behind the scenes as it were, and in some mysterious way often foreshadow the future or the hidden current of destiny of the individual
Now let us learn to calculate compound numbers.
Every alphabet in English language has been assigned an occult number as follows:
A = 1 N = 5 B = 2 O = 7 C = 3 P = 8 D = 4 Q = 1 E = 5 R = 2 F = 8 S = 3 G = 3 T = 4 H = 5 U = 6 I or J = 1 V = 6 K = 2 W = 6 L = 3 X = 5 M = 4 Y = 1 Z = 7 It may be seen that there is no number 9 given in the above alphabet, for the simple reason that those ancient masters of Occultism knew that in the” Highest Sphere” the number 9 represents the 9-lettered name of God, and for this reason no single letter was ascribed to it.
If, however, the letters in a name should total up and produce the number 9, the meaning of it is that given as I set out in the chapter dealing with the number 9, and for the compound numbers of the 9 such as the 18, 27, etc.
The next important question to answer is the following: Are all the Christian and Surnames to be added together to find the last digit or number?
The answer to that is, that it is the most used Christian and Surname that must be added together to give the Key number; when the Surname is more used or more in evidence than the Christian name, then it is taken to give the Key number.
Let us calculate the compound number of one name as example:
If the name is JOHN SMITH , then it’s compound number will be calculated as follows:
J = 1 S = 3 O = 7 M = 4 H = 5 I = 1 N = 5 T = 4 ______ 18 = 9 ______ H = 5 ______17 = 8 _______ So the compound number of John Smith will be 9 + 8 = 17. You can easily calculate the compound number of your name this way :
Now let us learn about the influence of compound numbers of name on a person. That is let’s move to our second step : ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; How to find a lucky name : An Indian Example An Example
Suppose a person has name Harish Malik (an Indian Name). We’ll see whether this name is lucky for him or not. For this we have to calculate the compound number of his name.
H = 5 M = 4 A = 1 A = 1 R = 2 L = 3 I = 1 I = 1 S = 3 K = 2 H = 5 ______17 ______11 17 + 11 = 28
The compound Number of ‘Harish Malik’ is 28
Let us read the interpretation of Number 28
28 : A number of contradictions. It symbolized a person of great promise and possibilities who is likely to see all taken away from him unless he carefully arrange for the future. It also indicates loss through trust in others, opposition and competition in trade, danger of loss through law, and the likelihood of having to begin life’s road over and over again It is not a fortunate number.
As is evident from above the compound number of Harish Malik 28 is not a fortunate number as it’ll keep creating problems for him. Thus. it is better for him to either change his name or make some alteration in his name’s spelling.
After making some adding/replacing of letters in his name spelling, suppose Harish decided to write his name as
‘Hareesh Malik’
From pronunciation point of view (in indian context) he will still be pronounced as Harish. However, let us see what will be his new compound number :
H = 5 M = 4 A = 1 A = 1 R = 2 L = 3 E =5 I = 1 E = 5 K = 2 S = 3 ______ 11 H = 5 ______ 26 26 + 11 = 37
The compound Number of ‘Hareesh Malik’ is 37
Let us read the interpretation of Number 37
37. This number has a distinct potency of its own. It is a number of good and fortunate friendships in love, and in combinations connected with the opposite sex. It is also good for partnerships of all kinds. It is a fortunate indication if it appears in connection with future events.
You can see the new name (although the same name with altered spelling) is extremely lucky for Harish. So it would be better for him to change his name to ‘Hareesh Malik’
It may, however, be noted that while the compound number of both names Harish Malik (17 + 11) and Hareesh Malik (26+11) are coming as 28 & 37, if we further add the compound numbers of
Harish (17=1+7=8) and
Malik (11=1+1 = 2)
The total comes out as 8+2= 10;
and for Hareesh Malik,
Hareesh (26=2+6=8)
Malik ( 11=1+1=2), the total will be 8+2= 10.
By calculating his compound number this way, both names results into same compound number. You’ll often find such examples wherein if we further add the compound numbers, they often result into same compound numbers from two different names. Therefore, it is better if we add the initial compound numbers (without further adding them up) of name to arrive at the changed compound number. Sometimes, it become quite confusing and difficult to calculate. However, the rule to follow is that we should keep in mind all combinations of compound numbers (that comes by adding and further adding of numbers) and to select their best possible combination to arrive at a lucky name. It takes time but by a little practice, you’ll be able to calculate the best possible combination for a lucky name.
Using the above method, you can easily find about your own name whether it’s lucky for you or not.
You can see the new name (although the same name with altered spelling) is extremely lucky for Harish. So it would be better for him to change his name to ‘Hareesh Malik’
Using the above method, you can easily find about your own name whether it’s lucky for you or not.
An important thing The above method of finding the lucky name is not limited to the name of individuals only. You can use this method to calculate whether the name of your business, your city, your any projects (such as movies, TV serials etc) is lucky for you or not.
In case of city, you may choose whether the city where you proposed a new business is lucky for you or not.
Now we’ll learn to calculate a lucky day by using compound number as this method is slightly different from the one we used above to find a lucky name. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; How to find a lucky day using compound Numbers Using compound Numbers to find a lucky day We shall now learn to find a lucky day using compound numbers.
The Rule
Add your birth number and the number of the date (you want to know) into the compound number of your name. The resultant number will be the compound number whose interpretation you should see to find if it’s a lucky one or not.
An Example
Suppose this person Hareesh Malik whose name we discussed in previous section wants to know whether 2nd September will be lucky for him or not. Suppose the date of birth of Hareesh is 3rd May. So
The compound Number of Hareesh’s full name is 37 (calculated in previous section)
His birth number is 3 (3rd May); and
the date he wants to determine (2nd September ) has compound number 02
We shall add all the above three
37 + 03 + 02 = 42
The compound Number that has come is 42
Let us read the interpretation of Number 42
42. Has the same meaning as the number 24.
Since it has the same meaning as 24, let us read the meaning of 24.
24. This is also a fortunate number. It promises the assistance and association of those of rank and position with one’s plans; it also denotes gain through love and the opposite sex; it is a favourable number when it comes out in relation to future events.
As is evident from above the compound number 24 for the date 2nd September is lucky for Hareesh Malik. Thus he may use this date for any of his important task.
By using the above method, you can easily find about any lucky day in future.
Have a look at our blog to see how people of different backgrounds are changing their Names using Name Numerology.