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06 FACTS;-

1-It is like the water of the River Ganges.... Up to now scientists have not been able to understand why there are certain qualities in its waters which can't be found in the water of any other river of the world. Even the rivers that flow from the same mountain from which the Ganges flows, do not have the same qualities as the Ganges. The mountain is the same, the same clouds shower water over it, the ice of the same peak melts and flows into the waters of all the rivers, but the quality of their water differs. It is difficult to prove the difference, but the whole of the River Ganges is an experiment of alchemists(रसायन बनानेवाले ).

2-It has been attempted to treat the whole river alchemically. That's why Hindus have so many of their holy places on the banks of the Ganges.

This was a great experiment to give something special to the waters of the Ganges. Now chemists and scientists have also agreed that there is something special about its waters. If you save the water of any other river it will spoil and go bad, but the water of the Ganges doesn't, however long it is stored. You can keep that water for years without it changing, but if you keep some water of any other river you will find that it becomes foul within a few weeks. The water of the Ganges keeps its purity and remains unchanged for years. It is because of this that Hindus have established their tirthas along the banks of its river.

3-If you throw dead bodies into other rivers, they become dirty and will begin to smell badly, but the Ganges absorbs thousands of dead bodies without stinking. It is surprising that though bones do not normally dissolve in water, they do in the water of the Ganges - nothing remains. In the Ganges everything immediately disintegrates, returning to its original elements. Hence the insistence that dead bodies should be thrown into the Ganges, because in any other river they may take years to disintegrate, but the Ganges does the work quickly.

4-The Ganges does not flow like any ordinary river from a mountain, it has been made to flow. This phenomenon is not easy to grasp. The Gangotri, the so-called place from where the Ganges has its source, is not the real source of the Ganges. Pilgrims go to the Gangotri, make their salutations and then return home. But this is then the false Gangotri, the real has always been hidden and protected for thousands of years. It's not possible to reach there by ordinary means, but only by astral travel.

5-The Gangotri cannot be reached with the physical body, only with the astral

body.The Gangotri cannot be seen with the physical eyes. In meditation the physical body has to be left behind and then the astral body can travel to the Gangotri; then and then only will one understand what the secret of the special qualities of the water of the Ganges is. At the source from where the Ganges flows its water have been treated alchemically. On both banks of the source of the river Hindus have made places of pilgrimage.

6-You may wonder why all the Hindus'places of pilgrimage are on the banks of rivers, while all the Jainas' are on mountain tops. Jainas make their places of pilgrimage only on mountains that are absolutely dry and without any greenery. Mountains with vegetation and trees will be rejected; even large mountains like the Himalayas have been ignored. If just any mountain would do there could be none better than those of the Himalayas. But the Jainas wanted a dry mountain, open to the scorching sun, with the least possible vegetation and with no water. The reason is that the alchemical changes which they are experimenting on are connected to the fire element of the body.



1-If you take a bath in the Ganges you will be free from your sins.The final thing to be understood about the tirtha is the value pf symbolic acts. For example, someone comes to Jesus and confesses his sins. Jesus puts his hand on that person's head and says, "Go, all your sins are forgiven." Now how can Jesus, just by putting his hand on someone's head, forgive them? If a person has committed a murder, how can he be forgiven like this? In India it is said that no matter what sins may have been committed, if you take a bath in the Ganges you will be free from your sins. Someone who has committed theft, who has defrauded people, who has killed someone - how can he become freed of his sins by bathing in the Ganges?

2-Here two things need to be understood. The sin is not the real event but the memory is real. It is not the sin, the act of sin, that clings to you, but just the memory of it. If you have killed someone, the memory of it will haunt you like a nightmare throughout your life. Those who know of inner things say that whether a murder is committed or not is just part of a drama and is not very

important.Neither anybody dies nor can anyone be killed. But the memory of the sin weighs heavily on your chest like a stone. An act is committed and becomes lost in the infinite - the act is being taken care of by the infinite.

You are unnecessarily standing in between with your memory of the act, and that memory is a burden on you.

3-Jesus says, "Repent, and I will take away your sins" - and someone who trusts in Jesus returns unburdened and purified. In reality, Jesus does not free you from your sins but from the memory of your sins. The memory is the real thing. Jesus only removes that. Similarly, the Ganges does not free you from your sins, but can free you from the memory of them. If someone really trusts the Ganges and believes that if he bathes in it he will be free of all sins - if his collective unconscious built up over thousands of years reinforces this, and if the society in which he is living also confirms his strong belief - then he will be.

4-Bathing cannot make a person free from the sin as such, because the sin has already been committed - nothing can be done to the theft that has been committed or the murder that has been committed; nothing can be done about that - but when a person with such a belief emerges from the Ganges, his trust in its purity and power frees him from the feeling of guilt even though

the bathing is only a symbolic act. Hindus have found a permanent arrangement, connecting confession with a river, not a person. The river goes on receiving confessions and forgiving people. The river is infinite, its flow is steady and permanent .So Hindu seers entrust this phenomenon to a river, not to a person.

5-If someone goes to a tirtha he will return free and unburdened; he will be free of the memory of his sin. It is the memory that is binding him and has become a bond. The shadow of the sin that follows you is the culprit. It is possible to be free from it, but there is one condition. The most important condition is that you have total faith - faith in the idea that this has been happening for thousands of years.


05 FACTS;-

1-Hindu alchemy, is related to the water element.Hindus would never

think of having a tirtha not within the vicinity of water, of a river flowing by, with the beauty of green vegetation. They experiment with the element of water, whereas Jainas are working on the fire element and so depend more on the generation of tap, heat, in the body.On the other hand,Christianity is working on air element. All have their separate keys.

2-Hindu scriptures and sannyasins emphasize the water element, so a Hindu sannyasin consumes sufficient milk, curd and ghee to maintain enough humidity or moisture within his body. Without sufficient moisture, the Hindu key will not function. The whole effort of the Jainas, on the other hand, is to produce a dryness within, so Jaina sadhus don't even take a bath, because they want to preserve a state of dryness. These Jaina sadhus become dirty and they stink! But they are not able to explain why they don't take baths. Why do they only very sparingly wash themselves?

3-Water is not their key, but fire, and the fire element in austerity and self-mortification. They want to arouse fire internally in every possible way. If they pour water on their bodies the fire within will be weakened. So you will find the Jaina sadhu on barren, dry mountains, without greenery and water, where everything is hot and he is surrounded only by stones.And same is with Muslim religion which is also based on fire element.

4-All religions use fasting, but except for Jainism, no religion prohibits water during fasting. Jainas who are householders are advised that even if they can't do without water at other times, at least they should avoid drinking water at night. But they only understand by this that they shouldn't drink at night because they might unknowingly kill unseen germs and insects. In fact, all these rules are meant to intensify the fire element.Another interesting fact is that if a man drinks a minimum of water, as Mahavira used to, it helps to preserve a his celibacy, because the semen will begin to dry up. Even a little moisture can make the semen flow.But Muslim religion prohibits water only for particular period as 'Ramadan' etc.So their behaviour is different.They also don't pour water on their bodies because the fire within will be weakened.

5-So all Jaina places of pilgrimage will be on mountains. The authentic Hindu tirtha will be on the banks of a river, in a beautiful, lush-green place - but the mountains chosen by Jainas are ugly, because the beauty of a mountain is

lost when there is no greenery.Jaina sadhus will not take a bath or clean their teeth: why use even the amount of water needed for brushing your teeth? The whole principle of dryness has to be understood properly to understand the Jaina scriptures. All of their austerities are to arouse the fire, and if the connection with water is completely broken this is a negative way to keep the fire burning.

6-Inside us there is a balance of all the elements: if you want to go on a spiritual journey through one of the elements, the balance will have to be broken by dropping the use of the opposite element that balances it.

So if you concentrate on the fire element, water will become inimical to your work, because the less water in the body, the better the fire will burn within.

The Ganges is a deep chemical and alchemical experiment, and by taking a bath in the Ganges, an individual will enter the tirtha. As soon as he takes the a bath, the water element within his body is transformed.

7-This transformation will only last a short time, but if the experiment is done properly, the spiritual journey begins. Remember that if someone who has begun living on the water of the Ganges takes any other water, it will not suit him and will create difficulties.Attempts have been made to create the

qualities of the Ganges in many other places, but they have failed because the real keys for doing so are lost. Bathing in the Ganges and then immediately going into a temple or to a holy place is only a way of using the outer for the inner spiritual journey.


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