A FEW BITS OF WISDOM ...to brighten our day; -
1-Realize the heaven within you, and all at once all the desires are fulfilled, all the misery and suffering is put an end to.The real poverty does not consist in want of riches but in an unsatiated want or greed for more and more.If you want to realize an object, if you want to get anything, do not hunt after the shadow. Touch your own head. Go within you. Realize this and you will see that the stars are your handiwork, you will see that all the objects of love, all the bewitching and fascinating things are simply your own reflection or shadow.Truth is your birthright. Assert it and be master of the universe. Truth is 'Tat Tva Masi' – 'That Thou Art.'One who rises above all desires is always spreading good as spontaneously and naturally as a flower gives perfume, or a star spreading light, without even being aware of it.
Before cutting a tree branch or taking a flower, let the spirit of the tree or plant know what you are going to do, so that it can draw its energy from that place and not feel the cut so strongly.
When you go to nature and want to pick up a stone that was in the river, ask the guardian of the river if he allows you to carry one of his sacred stones.If you have to climb a mountain or make a pilgrimage through the jungle, he asks permission from the local spirits and guardians. It is very important that you communicate, even if you do not feel, hear or see.Enter each place with respect, since all Nature hears you, sees you and feels you. Every movement you make in the microcosm has a great impact on the macrocosm.As you get closer to the vegetation, be grateful for the medicine it has for you.Honor life in its various forms and be aware that each being is fulfilling its purpose. Nothing was created to fill the gaps, we are all here remembering our mission, remembering who we are and waking up from the sacred dream of returning home!
3-MA Durga has 9 weapons (gifted to her by various other deities) in order to combat evil and ignorance. I've summarized them here - see how these are relevant in your own life!
1. Trishul: from Shiva representing ‘trigun’ or the 3 properties of each living being on earth: Sattva (purity & knowledge), Raja (action & passion) and Tama (ignorance & inertia)
2. Sudarshan Chakra: from Sri Krishna symbolises that the world is managed by the goddess and the universe revolves across the centre of creation.
3. Lotus: from Brahma - Half bloomed lotus is a logo of the rise of spiritual consciousness within the thoughts of a human.
4. Bow and Arrow: from Pawandev and Suryadev, symbolises that Maa Durga solely controls all of the sources of vitality within the universe.
5. Sword: from Lord Ganesh, represents the sharpness of knowledge
6. Vajra: from Indradev, the image of soul’s perseverance and powerful resolving energy.
7. Spear: from Agni, a logo of auspiciousness, represents fiery energy. It is aware of the distinction between proper and fallacious deeds.
8. Snake: Shiva - a logo of consciousness and vitality. It additionally represents the change from the lower state of consciousness to its higher state.
9. Axe: from Vishwakarma a logo of combating with evil and never being afraid of any penalties.
1-Sit upright in the correct meditation posture. Be certain the spine is straight and the body relaxed.
2-Concentrate the vision between the eyebrows, with the eyes closed or half closed. Do not frown while doing this; keep the facial expression relaxed and serene.
3-Now move the spine slightly to the left (by swaying the body), then to the right, and change the centre of your consciousness from the body and senses to the spine. Now move the spine slightly to the left (by swaying the body), then to the right, and change the centre of your consciousness from the body and senses to the spine. When your attention is centred in the spine, stop swaying the body.
4-Let your consciousness travel up and down the spine several times, from the coccygeal centre at the base of the spine to the point between the eyebrows. Now concentrate upon the coccygeal centre, and mentally chant Aum (pronounced "Om" as in "home"). Slowly travel mentally up the spine — feeling the coccygeal, sacral, lumbar, dorsal, cervical, and medullary chakras—to the point between the eyebrows, mentally chanting Aum in each centre. When you reach the central point between the eyebrows, return downward: chant Aum at the point between the eyebrows, at the medulla, and at each of the five spinal chakras in the sushumna passage of the astral spine, at the same time mentally feeling each of the centres.
5-Continue to go up and down the spine in this way—between the coccygeal centre and the Kutastha centre — chanting Aum at each chakra, until you distinctly feel that your consciousness is transferred from the body into the spine. Always end the Practice of this technique a the Kutastha centre, after you have gone up the spine chanting Aum at each chakra. The perfected practice of this technique will help you release your soul from the bondage of matter and sensory attachment by enabling you to awaken the chakras and pass through those astral doors to become one with Spirit.Live more in the spine; thereby you live nearer to God. Awaken the spine and thereby open the door to Eternity.