A Marma point is an anatomical point where the muscles, arteries, veins, nerves, ligaments, bones and joints meet. According to the ancient Ayurvedic sage Sushruta, marma points are the seats of life.They are also the sites where not only tridoshas (vāta, pitta and kapha) are present but their subtle forms of vital force (prana), … They may also be described as the junctions where Vata, Pitta and Kapha meet; where Sattwa, Rajas and Tams meet; or where Eternity and Relativity meet.
Marma points on the arms have two points, one for each arm.Marma points on the right arm are better for increasing heat, promoting circulation and improving digestion. They stimulate bodily activities, increase digestive fire (Agni) and the Pitta functions of the body.Marma points on the left arm are better for cooling action, reducing inflammation and building tissue. They have a calming effect, increasing the Kapha or watery functions of the body.
Location: Center of forearm Indrabasti controls the digestive system (Annavaha Srotas), digestive fire (Agni), balances Prana (Samana Vayu), digestive juices (Pachaka Pitta) and the small intestine.
Massage the area, using a strong circular motion for about five minutes.For stimulation of digestive fire (Agni) massage with Mahamasha Taila, mustard or sesame oils.For controlling the small intestine and digestive system (Annavaha Srotas), use warm spicy aromatic oils like anise, fennel, ginger or cardamom.Massage with Calamus oil is beneficial here for promoting circulation in both the digestive system and in the plasma.
Location: Base of thumb joint ..Kurchashira Marma controls the digestive fire (Agni), stomach, Pachaka Pitta, Kledaka Kapha and Samana Vata, all of which are secondary doshas which primarily govern digestion. This Marma also influences the head, mind and nervous systems, calming Vata dosha.The thumb is regarded as a manifestation of Agni, as the power of digestion, life (Prana) and as the soul itself.Follow the usual massage procedures using a strong massage, particularly with your thumb until the energy in the thumb is released. This is a good marma for increasing life (Prana) and stimulating Agni in the body overall.For Agni and digestion, use stimulating aromatic oils like ginger, cinnamon, cloves or cardamom.
Location: Elbow joint
On the right elbow this marma controls the liver and Ranjaka Pitta. On the left elbow it controls the spleen, pancreas and channels of water metabolism (Udakavaha Srotas).For liver diseases, massage the right Kurpara marma with Padmakadi oil, Manjishtadi oil, Brahmi oil, ghee or safflower oil. For diseases of the spleen and pancreas, massage the left Kurpara marma with Manjishtadi oil, safflower oil or sesame oil.
Location: Lower region of the upper arm..This Marma controls channels of water metabolism (Udakavaha Srotas) and kidneys.Follow usual massage procedures.For controlling channels of water-metabolism (Udakavaha Srotas), massage with goose berry medicated oil (Amalaki Tail) or plain mustard oil.
Location: The mid-region of the upper arm
This Marma controls plasma and lymphatic channels (Rasavaha srotas) and the channels of water-metabolism (Udakavaha Srotas).
Give Marma massage to the area, using a strong circular motion for about five minutes.
Marma regions on the legs have two points, one on each leg..
Marmas on the right leg are better for increasing heat, promoting circulation and improving digestion. They stimulate bodily activities, increasing Agni (fire) and the Pitta functions of the body.
Marmas on the left leg are better for cooling action, reducing inflammation and building tissue. They have a calming effect and increase the Kapha or watery functions of the body.
1. Talahridaya Marma
Location: Center of the sole of the foot
This Marma controls the power of circulation (Vyana Vata), particularly for the lower part of the body (below the navel) and Apana Vata.Apply Marma massage to the area, using a strong circular motion for about five minutes or until the energy in the foot is release.This is a good Marma for reducing Vata and for controlling Apana Vata.
2. Kurchashira Marma;-
Location: Base of big toe joint.
This Marma is good for digestive fire (Agni) and for digestion.Follow usual massage procedures, using a strong pressure at the centre of this Marma.For improving digestive fire (Agni) and digestion, use stimulating oils like ginger, camphor or garlic.
3. Indrabasti Marma;-
Location: Center of lower leg
This Marma controls the channels of the digestive system (Annavaha Srotas), digestive fire (Agni), Pachaka Pitta, Samana Vayu, and the small intestine.Apply Marma massage to the area, using a strong circular motion for about five minutes. This helps to increase digestive fire or Agni and promotes digestion.For improving the function of the small intestines and the digestive system channels (Annavaha Srotas), massage with aromatic oils that stimulate digestion like fennel, ginger, anise and carom or ajwain.For stimulation of digestive fire (Agni), special Ayurvedic formulas like Kshara Taila or Hingu-trigunadi Taila containing garlic, asafoetida and rock salt can be used. Or apply warm aromatic oils like ginger, cinnamon or black pepper.
4. Janu Marma;-
Location: Knee joint
The right knee Marma controls the liver and the color of the blood and bile (Ranjaka Pitta). The left knee Marma controls the spleen, pancreas and water-metabolism (Udakavaha Srotas).Massage the area using a gentle circular motion for about five minutes at the central point and the points immediately above and below the joint.For improving liver function, massage the Marma on the right knee with medicated oil such as Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi Taila) or plain ghee. Use Pitta-reducing aromatic oils like lime, myrrh, wormwood or coriander.For improving spleen function, massage the Marma on the left knee with oil medicated with false daisy and goose berry (Bhring-amalakadi Taila) or plain sesame oil. Kapha-removing aromatic oils like ginger, lemon or cardamom can also be used.Saffron or turmeric oils can be used for either liver or spleen.
5. Ani Marma;-
Location: Lower region of upper leg
This Marma controls the channels of water-metabolism (Udakavaha Srotas) and the circulation of bodily fluids downward.Apply a strong circular motion over this Marma for about five minutes. It promotes the circulation of water and fluids in the body. For controlling the channels of water-metabolism (Udakavaha Srotas) massage with Indian gooseberry oil (Amalaki Taila) or plain sesame or mustard oils.
6. Urvi Marma;-
Location: The mid-region of the upper thigh
Urvi Marma controls the channels of the lymphatic system, plasma and water-metabolism (Rasavaha and Udakavaha Srotas). Apply Marma massage to the area, using a strong circular motion for about five minutes. It aids in weight reduction and removing Kapha.For improving the function of the channels of plasma and the lymphatic system (Rasavaha Srotas) massage with cumin medicated oil (Jirakadi Taila) or with plain almond oil or mustard oil.
Marmas on the front side of the body, the abdomen and chest, are fewer innumber but very important as this area houses our main internal organs. The front of the body includes the main sites of the accumulation of the doshas in the large intestine (Vata), small intestine (Pitta) and stomach (Kapha) and can be used to promote the elimination of the doshas from these locations.
Treating these regions is essential for proper digestion and for detoxification.
1. Guda Marma;-
Location: Anus
This Marma controls Apana Vayu, the channels of excretory and urinary systems (Purishavaha, Mutravaha Srotamsi). This Marma relates to the site of accumulation of vata in the large intestine.
The point at the base of the spine is the best region of this Marma for massage. To reduce Vata, use a gentle massage of warm sesame or medicated sesame oils like Dashamula oil.For improving functions of the urinary system (Mutravaha Srotas) massage with mustard oil. You can also use diuretic aromatic oils like juniper, birch or parsley.For controlling obesity, use oil medicated with Terminalia elliptica and Wood Apple (Asana-bilvadi Taila) or use weight reducing aromatic oils like camphor and myrrh.Guda (anus): Benefits pelvis floor, stimulates kundalini energy, reproductive dysfunction, low libido.
2. Basti Marma;-
Location: Lower abdomen
1-This Marma controls the muscular system (Mamsavaha srotas), bodily fat (Medovaha Srotamsi), Kapha and the urinary system (Mutravaha srotas).It relates to Vata’s site of accumulation in the surrounding surface area above the bladder, and to Apana Vayu (downward-moving air).
Massage gently in broad circular motions with the palm of the hand and fingers. It helps in reducing Vata, dispels gas and bloating and strengthens Ojas.Warm oil massage like Dashamula Taila, Narayan Taila, plain sesame oil or castor oil here are excellent for controlling and reducing Vata.
2-Use aromatic oils like nutmeg, valerian, lotus or sandalwood for calming and grounding the action on Vata and for strengthening Ojas. Carminative (gas-dispelling) aromas applied here like cardamom, asafoetida (hing) or basil helps in removing Vata or gas and distention in the large intestine.Kaphaja types often carry excess weight and water and have lax muscle tone in this region. They can be benefited by stronger massage with penetrating aromatic oils like cinnamon, cloves or camphor.
3. Nabhi Marma
Location: Navel
1-Nabhi Marma controls the channels of digestion (Annavaha srotas) as well as the blood and circulatory systems (Raktavaha Srotas). It is the main center for digestion and exertion. It controls the digestive fire (Agni), digestive juices (Pachaka Pitta), the color of the blood and bile (Ranjaka Pitta), the vata sub-type responsible for digestion (Samana Vayu), Pitta dosha and the fire element in the body as a whole.
2-Apply Marma massage to this area, using a gentle circular motion around the navel since this a sensitive place for about five minutes. Simply laying on of the hands with a gentle massage gives the best results. It is a prime area for reducing Pitta and stopping its accumulation in the small intestine. Use Dashamula oil, sesame oil or almond oil to relieve stress, nervous tension and counter nervous indigestion (Vata).For Pitta-related heat and stress in the navel use Brahmi oil or coconut oil. For increasing digestive fire (Agni) use aromatic oils that stimulate digestion like bay leaf, ginger, fennel or cardamom.
3-For hyperacidity and high Pitta, massage with cooling aromatic oils like jasmine (mogra), rose or sandalwood.Clove oil is good for increasing digestive power in Pitta type people. Simply placing the hand over the navel has a protective, nurturing affect and calms Vata.Herbal sandalwood paste is good for alleviating Pitta (acidity) in the small intestine. A paste of asafoetida powder (hing) is good for dispelling gas and distention (Vata).Internally the use of purgative herbs like senna, rhubarb root or Triphala (Virechana) in large dosages is used to remove Pitta from the navel region. It is part of Panchakarma therapy and used only under strict clinical supervision.Nabhi (navel): enhances metabolism, stimulates digestion and absorption, boosts immunity and treats autoimmune disorders.
4. Apstambha Marma;-
Location: Shoulder blade
This Marma controls the Kapha involved in digestion, known as Kledaka Kapha, bone and fat tissues and channels (Asthivaha and Medovaha Srotamsi).Follow the usual massage procedures on the surrounding muscles. It is a good treatment area for reducing Kapha, preventing it from accumulating at its site in the stomach.For controlling fat tissues (Medovaha Srotas) and bone tissues (Asthivaha Srotas), use Kshirabala Taila, mustard oil or sesame oil for massage.
Use aromatic oils that reduces fat and heal the bones like myrrh, guggul, ginger or cinnamon. Massage at this Marma aids in weight reduction and controls Kapha as well as increases vital force (Prana).
MARMA Points On The BACK And HIPS ;-
These Marmas are the main points governing the hips and shoulder bones, which are the two main joints in the body.
1. Parshvasandhi Marma;-
Location: The upper hips
This Marma controls the adrenal glands and the channels of the digestive and excretory systems (Annavaha, Purishavaha srotas).Follow the usual massage methods, using some force and power of movement.Treatment of this marma goes along well with treating Basti and Vitapa Marmas on the other side of the body.
While there are certainly marma points that can soothe grief, calm anxious thoughts, ease lethargy, and reduce stress, this approach of trying to fix or cure a symptom is limited. It implies that the emotion itself is a problem to get rid of instead of seeing it as the body’s intelligent healing response, worthy of our compassionate attention.Healthy emotions naturally express themselves, flow with grace, and then dissolve and melt away. Unhealthy emotions linger, stagnate, and build in intensity, lacking the space to resolve on their own. These “stuck” emotions require a more sophisticated approach of guiding pranic flow—which is where marma points can be profoundly helpful.There are five marma points on the scalp that have the ability to powerfully relieve modern-day stressors, alleviate stagnant emotions, and influence pranic flow. These five points are kapala on the hairline, brahmarandhra, murdhni, and shivarandhra on the upper midline of the scalp, and manyamula at the occiput. Each marma contains tremendous potential for opening weakened or blocked energy channels in the body. When marma points are particularly tender upon pressure, it is a good indication that the organs/tissues/channels associated with that point are experiencing weak or blocked functioning.
1-KAPALA;- Kapala means the “ruler of time” or “forehead.” This point is located at the midline of the forehead, right at the hairline. So much of our stress is related to feeling bound by time. Its main actions are to relieve stress, support sound sleep, and calm emotional disturbance. It also supports hormonal imbalance and helps dissipate tension in the head.
2-MURDHNI;- Murdhni comes from the root muhu, which means “moment to moment awareness.” This point is also called Adhipati, which means “first master,” and is known as the master point that regulates all pranic flow throughout the body. It is located on the vertex of the scalp, about ten fingers-width back from the point between the eyebrows. This is also the opening of the sahasrara, or crown chakra, the meeting point of many nadis (subtle channels of energy) and the spot where kundalini energy ascends from the root chakra.Murdhni /crown(located at the center of the crown):-regulates prāna and circulates cerebrospinal fluid. Stimulates memory, relieves headaches and insomnia, balances all emotional disturbances.
3-BRAHMARANDHRA ;- Brahmarandhra means “the opening to the creator.” This point is known to stimulate creativity, expand awareness, and promote intelligence. It is located on the midline of the scalp, two fingers-width behind murdhni.Brahmarandra (about 2 finger widths anterior to the crown): supports creativity and intelligence, relieves headache, support pituitary function
4-SHIVARANDHRA;- Shivarandhra means “the opening to the transformer.” It is located on the midline of the scalp, two fingers-width posterior to murdhni, towards the forehead. The trinity of murdhni, brahmarandhra, and shivarandhra are similar in their sphere of action. They all powerfully regulate prana and balance vata, pitta, and kapha emotions. They promote deep, restful sleep and stimulate memory and concentration. They help to soothe sensory overload and calm the mind.Shivarandhra (about 2 finger widths posterior to the crown): relieves neck pain, enhances memory and recall, reduces emotional disturbances due to vata – fea, anxiety and loneliness.
5-MANYAMULA;- Manyamula means “the root of the neck.” It is located in the depression below the place where the occipital bone protrudes at the base of the skull. This powerful point regulates the flow of lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, and cerebral blood. It stabilizes prana, improves equilibrium, and supports a comfortable neck and head. Similar to the trinity, manyamula also helps maintain emotional balance for all the doshas.
1-Working with all five of these marmani together is an effective way to promote emotional balance, calm the mind, regulate pranic flow, and reduce stress. They also bring physical ease to the region of the neck and head. Stimulating these five energy points on the scalp with warm Brahmi Oil is an excellent way to increase intelligence, expand awareness, and calm the mind.Start with kapala by pressing down with both middle fingers. Hold for a few breaths or up to two minutes. The longer the stimulation and the deeper the breath, the more emotion will be released at each marma point.After kapala, move along the midline of the scalp and repeat this same hold at murdhni, brahmarandhra, and shivarandhra, taking at least a few deep, slow breaths at each point.Continue along the midline all the way to the occiput, ending with the same hold at manyamula. At this point, work with the breath by touching lightly with each inhale and more deeply with each exhale. This is a powerful pranic reset point.
2-This ritual can be done daily when there is long-term stress, anxiousness, heaviness, grief, or emotional overwhelm. Ask children to do this ritual before they sit down to study or take an exam for mental rejuvenation. Taking time to work on these marma points each day will bring emotional balance, create clarity in the mind, and soothe the spirit. /////////////////////////////// To relieve stress, support calm, good sleep, balanced emotions, and good digestion try working these marma on yourself, friends and family as needed.Nutmeg/जायफल essential oil for Vata imbalances, Sandelwood essential oil for Pitta, and Eucalyptus for Kapha.Engage each marma point for at least 30 seconds before moving on.Except it Ājñā (third eye): steadies the fluctuations of the mind, relieves stress and insomnia, improves proper focus, Shanka (right and left temples): strongly pacifies pitta (acid stomach, sharp headaches, irritability), temporal headaches.Hridayam (heart, at center of the breast): regulates cardiac function and heart rate, enhance lymphatic circulation, releases stuck emotions.
.... SHIVOHAM....
Discovering an engaging these vital energy points is the bridge to accessing the pharmacy within.