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05 FACTS;-

1-Kriya means action and Yoga means integration. Kriya Yoga emphasises integration of separative consciousness (generated by unceasing movement of thought) with an awakenedness through actions of perception and not through the activities of conceptualisation.Kriya Yoga brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. It is a unique combination of Hatha-Raja-Laya Yoga. It settles the seeker in his natural state in which his body receives instructions only from glands and Chakras.

2-The purpose of the first level of Kriya is to go beyond the restless of the mind which is linked with the ability of making the breath calm, subtle. Breath and mind are strictly related. The first step of Kriya Yoga is grounded on the technique of KriyaPranayama. If you want to know how Kriya Pranayama works you can see verse of the Bhagavad Gita . "Offering inhaling breath into the outgoing breath, and offering the outgoing breath into the inhaling breath, the yogi neutralizes both these breaths; he thus releases the life force from the heart and brings it under his control.'' [Bhagavad Gita IV 29]

3-Perhaps we are now in the condition of understanding its meaning. During Inhalation (''inhaling breath'') you experience a form of energy entering the body with the air through the nose, coming down into pharynx, larynx, trachea, lungs …. At the same time you have the experience of another form of energy coming up from the base of the spine, moves inside the spine, reaching the higher Chakras. These two movements of energy happen simultaneously. During Exhalation (''outgoing breath'') the consumed air leaves the body, while a subtle energy draws a divine current from Medulla and guides it down, piercing each Chakra, reaching the first Chakra. Again these two movements of energy happen simultaneously.

4-Therefore during Kriya Pranayama two opposite forms of energy interpenetrate continuously. This happens because the sensations experienced during the breathing process are ''internalized'' – in other words they are experienced as internal phenomenon, taking place not in the lungs but in the spine. But the internal energetic movement flows along a direction which is the opposite of that of the external energetic movement. This is enigmatically hinted in the verse of the Bhagavad Gita. What we have described happens both without chanting of Om and with chanting. The breathing has to be internalized: this is the key of Kriya Pranayama. Kriya Pranayama happens with an almost non-existent breath and is in itself an ecstatic experience, beyond the concept of technique, procedure, method.

5- ''Breathless state?'' is experienced after years of Kriya practice. It has nothing to do with holding the breath forcefully. It does not simply mean that the breath becomes more and more quiet. It is the state where the breath is entirely non-existent, with the subsequent dissolution of the mind. Many kriyabans are not able to conceive such a state. There is a halo of mystery that surrounds its description; people think it is impossible and that any affirmation about its occurrence is false. Nevertheless, it is possible. When it manifests, kriyabans do not feel the need to take in any breath at all or they take in a very short breath but do not feel the need to exhale for a very long time. The breath becomes so calm that the practitioner has the factual perception that there is no more breathing; a fresh energy is felt in the body, sustaining life from inside, without the necessity of oxygen. According to the Kriya theory, this state is the result of having entered with the awareness (therefore with Prana) the Sushumna channel inside the spine.

KRIYA YOGA ...Major Components:

1-Talavya or Talabya Kriya: It is a preparatory exercise to guide the student and make him or her eligible for Khechari Mudra.

2-Nabhi Kriya: This is Aum Japa done of a specific Chakra and in specific number as directed by teacher or guide.

3-Kriya Yoga Pranayama or Kriya: This is breathing that represents the union of Japa, Meditation (Dhyana), Breathing and Subtle Prana.

4-Yoni Mudra or Jyoty Mudra: This practice is done after Kriya and includes Kriya element, Shanmukhi Mudra, Jyoti Darshan and Nada Shravan.

5-Mahamudra: This technique is different from Hatha Yoga, and practiced in slightly different manner with elements of Kriya.

KRIYA YOGA... Minor or Optional Components:

1-Aum Japa at all 6 or 3 Chakras as guided by teacher or Guide

2-Mental Pranayam or Kriya: To assist main Kriya practice or to be practice when you can’t practice proper Kriya.

3-Short Kriya

4-Soham or Hansa Meditation

5-Nada Shravan or Aum Technique


1-There is Maha Mudra and Navi Kriya that are the best preparation to the practice of Kriya Pranayama and Yoni Mudra that usually comes after Kriya Pranayama. Synthetically two energies ( Prana and Apana) that are put in motion in the spine melt together. Their union gives birth to a new state of the energy in our body called Samana. This Samana enters the subtler channel of the spine. A particular state happens in our consciousness. Patanjali calls this state ''Pratyahara'' that means ''withdrawal of the senses.'' In that state our mind is perfectly calm and can remain absorbed in the meditative state. That state is lofty and can be considered the first step on the spiritual path. While working to master the first Kriya step, a kriyaban may desire to explore and utilize other ''higher'' procedures of Kriya.

2-To obtain Kechari Mudra is important . This Mudra gives a great help to perfect the practice of Kriya Pranayama and thus calm the mind further. Other events of spiritual nature could happen. The highest stages of Kriya could also manifest spontaneously. At this level, will desire to learn the Tribhangamurari movement both in the Macro and in the Micro form. They start by focus their attention on a descending energetic flow moving towards Muladhara but remaining outside the spine. What happens by perceiving such current is difficult to express because we have no words to describe a reality which is beyond mind. This current seems to belong to another word.Then the Tribhangamurari movement is perceived in its Micro form. In this teaching the door of the spine is opened. A student learns how to meet the transcendent Omkar reality in the aspect of micro movement sensation. Through this procedure a student becomes able to leave the dimension of time and space and reach the highest Asamprajnata Samadhi which leads to Kaivalya state.

3-When the breath becomes restless from the tranquil state, creation begins. In the order of creation, sound (sabda, or the sound of Om) is produced first from the soundless state (eternal Tranquility). Now from sound, as a corollory state in an orderly manner produced are air, then fire, water, and earth.From the vibrational level, ethereal (ether), gaseous (air), sub-gaseous (fire), liquid (water) and solid (earth).The tranquil breath rests on the seventh day solidifying the creation.If the centers are counted from the head, the coccygeal will be the 7th center.The entire spectrum of meditation regardless of any discipline is to attain Eternal Tranquility (sthirattva), to go back in the reverse order to dissolve from the lowest state of vibration beginning with earth.The secret feature in the Original Kriya is not to rush to awaken the Kundalini at the coccygeal/tailbone center. Rather a “Definite Order,” is followed. It has two parts:

A-The Pre-Reverse Order, or the Downward Journey, and

B-The Reverse Order, or the Upward Journey.

4--During the time of initiation,it is divided into Seven Kriyas.First Kriya is given to the disciple by the Guru. second kriya, third kriya, fourth kriya are given depending on the practice of the disciple. Fifth kriya, Sixth kriya and Seventh kriya do not need initiation, it happens by itself and one should consider Lord himself as Guru for these kriyas. Second Kriya is given to disciple once Kechari Mudra is successful and goal of second kriya is to break heart knot and to hear OM sound.Third Kriya is given to disciple to stabilize pranava the OM sound.Fourth Kriya is given to experience Chakras and breaking Muladhar Knot.The higher Kriyas are available to those who make great efforts on the spiritual path.

5-Only personal meditation experiences give meaning to higher Kriya practices.The fifth, sixth and seventh Kriyas are fundamentally different from the other techniques. The chakras melt together into a single field at the same time as they move and become integrated into concrete, physical reality. Insight into subtle connections emerges. All actual practice should be learnt directly and in person from any suitable Kriya Yoga teacher or guide.There is no necessary connection that one has to be a renunciate to practice Kriya discipline.Original Kriya is suited for both renunciate and householders.Lahiri Mahasay, the polestar of Kriya, became the role model of the householders Kriyanwitas, while Babaji remains as the role model of the renunciates.





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